Standard headroom applications require 12” to 18” of space between the bottom of the opening header and the unobstructed ceiling. However, Monterey Shop specializes in custom-built applications. A variety of special track options are available and make it possible for many unusual garages to be fitted with doors. By using low-headroom track, it is possible to install a door with a garage door opener in an area that has as little as 6-1/2” of headroom depending on the door size and model. Other special track applications include:
• Vertical lift track, for use in situations where the ceiling is extremely high and the garage door has room to lift straight up.
• Follow-the-roofline track, which is used when the ceiling of the garage is pitched at the angle of the roof, making it desirable for the door to follow the same angle, thus providing additional overhead room.
• Hi-lift track, which is used when the ceiling is unusually high, but the door must still retract to a horizontal position.